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Committee for Helping Others

Simple, loving charity for the needy of Vienna, Oakton, Dunn Loring, and Merrifield

CHO is an all-volunteer organization that helps by providing

  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Emergency food aid
  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Transportation

The links on the menu bar take you to descriptions of each of these services, as well as to information on our organization and, most important, on how you can help.

Peg Boag, longtime CHO volunteer, dies at 98

A CHO stalwart, Margaret Boag, or “Peg,” passed away on August 18, in Knoxville Tennessee, at age 94. A longtime member of Vienna Presbyterian Church, Peg spent over 40 years helping our neighbors in Vienna and the surrounding areas. Her first volunteer job with CHO was scheduling transportation for people needing rides to medical appointments.

Peg next served as CHO Emergency Services Coordinator, an important job she handled by herself for many years. Her early training in psychology prepared her well for this job. Peg listened to clients’ problems with compassion like your mother or good friend, and provided monetary assistance or referrals to other community resources when needed. She also gave valuable advice and assistance to new CHO volunteers and to the CHO Board, and she established a CHO fund to cover purchases of underwear (or necessary items) for the CHO Christmas store.

Peg’s husband predeceased her. She had two children, Jean and John, and moved to Knoxville Tennessee a few years ago to be closer to them.

A memorial service will be held at Vienna Presbyterian Church in the Chapel on Thursday, September 26 at 1:00 pm.

CHO has moved

CHO has moved. Our new Food Closet will open in July and will be at the Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park St. NE. You will need to call us when you arrive in the parking lot. The door is the one facing Maple Avenue and in the parking lot (see arrow), not on Park Street. Our phone number is the same: 703-281-7614 box # 1.

The Clothes Closet will be at Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. The number is the same. 703-679-8966.

CHO se ha movido. Nuestro nuevo Food Closet abrirá en julio y estará en la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Viena, 124 Park St. NE. Deberá llamarnos cuando llegue al estacionamiento. La puerta es la que da al estacionamiento (ver flecha), no en Park Street. Nuestro número de teléfono es el mismo: 703-281-7614 casilla #1.

El armario de ropa estará en Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. El número es el mismo. 703-679-8966.

Donate Online Now!
Or, send a check (payable to CHO) to CHO, P.O. Box 233, Vienna VA 22183.

Golfing for Good

Many thanks to the Westwood Ladies 18-Hole Golf Association, and in particular to Debbie Earman (pictured on far left with the winning women’s team), who organized a charity tournament for Westwood members whose proceeds went to CHO. We received over $13,000 from the event. That should help a lot of families feed their kids over the summer!

Viva! Vienna!

We enjoyed meeting our neighbors and spreading the word about CHO at Viva!Vienna! last weekend. Thanks to the Rotary Club of Vienna Virginia for the opportunity.

What a great way to celebrate a Milestone Birthday!

Marsha Komandt (see picture with cake knife in hand), a Vienna resident, hardworking member of Emmaus United Church of Christ, and a great friend of CHO and other local nonprofits, opted to celebrate life and give a shout-out to others who had also reached such milestones at Foster’s Grill in Vienna. She requested donations to CHO in lieu of gifts. On behalf of CHO, Food Closet Chair Carolyn Mysel received a large donation of food supplies, some clothing, and $410 in gift cards. Many thanks and Happy Birthdays!

Thanks to the teens at Hope United Methodist Church in Vienna

who participated in a fasting program and at the end, donated cereal, snacks, and drinks for our CHO families. About 40 church members, including Pastor Samuel Addo-Donkoh of Hope UMC and Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Nkrumah – Pastor, Ghana Wesley UMC, Woodbridge (the parent church), came to the Food Closet and learned about our work there. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Easter season!

Many thanks to Vienna Little League baseball

for the cartons of food they collected for CHO as part of their pre-owned baseball equipment swap earlier this month. We are grateful for every box and can of food that can be used to help our neighbors. CHO wishes all players, coaches, and families in the VLL community a safe, happy, and successful 2024 baseball season!

Immediate needs for food and clothes

Virtual Stuff the Bus

This year Fairfax County is sponsoring a VIRTUAL Stuff the Bus for all of the agencies that serve the community. This is instead of the events often held at local grocery stores. Donations are online only, at this link. Just click on it, go to Committee for Helping Others, and you will be directed to the spot to make a donation.

Please consider contributing and please help spread the word! Usually, we attract a lot of "walk-in help" at the grocery stores so we will all need some extra effort publicizing this drive!




Food & Financial Assistance:
