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Zvipfeko Closet Vatengi, ndapota ona peji ino kune nhungamiro yedu kune vese vatengi.

The Clothes Closet is located at Unity of Fairfax Church, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton. The phone number is 703-679-8966 .

Iyo Clothes Closet inochengetedza maawa ebasa enguva dzose kubva Muvhuro mushure meZuva reBasa kusvika Muvhuro pamberi peChirangaridzo Zuva. Isu takavhurika kubva ku9:30 am kusvika masikati neMuvhuro. Kurangana kunodiwa. Kuita musangano ndapota tifonere pa703-679-8966 , kana kuti email kwatiri Iyo Clothes Closet haina kuvhurwa pamazororo emubatanidzwa uye kana Fairfax County Veruzhinji Zvikoro zvikavharwa nekuda kwemamiriro ekunze asina kunaka.

We have a continuing need for in-season quality used clothing. Donations are accepted every Monday that we are open. Clothing is distributed to clients on each of those Mondays. Kudonhedza zvipo pane dzimwe nguva, ndapota tifonere pa703-679-8966 kana kuti email kwatiri Nokuti avo kufunga kuita hombe zvipfeko mupiro, ndapota kuongorora yedu kuzozvidzorerwa zvekutevedzera pano. Mipiro isingadikanwi nevatengi veCHO inopfuudzwa kune mamwe masangano anobatsira.

CHO requests the following for donations:

  • ️Clothing to be clean, in-season, and in good repair. (Please no broken zippers or soiled items.)
  • ️We accept bed linens, blankets, and towels. It is very helpful if the size of sheets and blankets are indicated (ie. king, mambokadzi, full, and twin).
  • ️We do accept kitchen household items. Due to space limitations, we can not accept small appliances.
  • ️We accept clean, washable jackets year round and will store them for the proper season.
  • ️We accept baby items and children’s toys.