Food muwadhiropu
Parizvino tiri kugamuchira zvipo zvekudya. Edu iyezvino vanodei:
Cookies and snacks
Dry pasta
Ndapota fonera 703-281-7614 uye siya meseji mubhokisi 1 kuronga nguva yekusiya mipiro.
Volunteers needed: Our final part of the very large donation from The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints will be ready for pickup on Mugovera, July 27. Volunteers will gather at VPC at 2 pm that afternoon to quickly unload the truck and move the food into the Food Closet. Volunteers are welcome to call 703-281-7614 Box # 1 or Box # 5.
Clothes kabati
- Bed linens all sizes (Please mark with size)
- Bath towels
- Girls’ clothes and coats size 4-16
- Mens’ shirts, dress shirts, small and medium
Tapota ona pfungwa Clothes kabati peji yemaawa edu uye mamwe mashoko akakosha.
Furniture Program
- matiresi nemafuremu emubhedha (kwete mambo saizi ndapota)
- dressers
- matafura nemacheya
- nguva dzose saizi sofa
Kuronga pick-kukwira, kufona (202)-681-5279 .
Kuti uwane pamusoro zvinhu zvinodiwa (uye kwete zvinodiwa) nokuda Furniture Program, ona peji ino.
Meals Zvandaifunga
Meals Zvandaifunga: Vatyairi zvinodiwa weMuvhuro, Chitatu, neChishanu. Chikafu chinotorwa paVPC anenge gumi:15; kuendesa kunotora inenge 1 awa. Contact George Bergquist, 703-727-5846 , gwb0745@gmail.com uwane ruzivo. Kuona ano mutyairi zvinodiwa, zvakare kutaura George.