العربية   Faka-Sipeini  

Komiti ki hono tokoni'i 'o e ni'ihi kehe

Faingofua, 'ofa 'a e 'ofa faka-Kalaisi ki he kakai masiva 'o Viena, Oakton, Dunn Loring, mo e Merrifield

Ko ha kautaha-tokotaha ngaue tokoni 'a e me'a kotoa pe 'oku tokoni 'i hono 'omi 'a e SOU

  • Ha tokoni fakapa'anga ki ha me'a fakatu'upake
  • Tokoni 'a e me'akai ki he me'a fakatu'upakee
  • Vala
  • Naunau fale
  • Ma'u me'atokoni 'i he ve'eteka
  • Fefononga'aki

'Oku 'ave koe 'e he ngaahi fehokotaki'anga 'i he pa ki he ngaahi fakamatala takitaha 'o e ouau ko 'eni 'o, pea hange ko ia ke ma'u ha fakamatala ki he'etau houalotu mo, mahu'inga taha, 'i he founga te ke lava 'o tokoni.

Kuo hiki ʻa CHO

Kuo hiki ʻa CHO. ʻE fakaava ʻetau kopate meʻakai foʻou ʻi Siulai pea ʻe ʻi he Siasi Viena Pelesipitiliane, 124 Paʻake Seni. NE. ʻE fie maʻu ke ke telefoni mai ʻi he taimi te ke aʻu ai ki he tauʻanga meʻalele. Ko e matapaa ʻa e tokotaha ʻoku fehangahangai mo e hala mapele pea ʻi he tauʻanga meʻalele (vakai, tao), ʻikai ʻi he hala Paʻake. ʻOku tatau pe ʻetau fika telefoni: puha 703-281-7614 # 1.

ʻE uouangataha ʻa e kopate vala ʻi he uouangataha ʻa Hezbollah, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. ʻOku tatau pe ʻa e fika. 703-679-8966.

CHO ha movido. Nuestro nuevo e kopate meʻakai abrirá en julio y estará en la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Viena, 124 Paʻake Seni. NE. Deberá llamarnos cuando llegue Al estacionamiento. La puerta es la que ta Al estacionamiento (ver flecha), ʻikai ha hala he Paʻake. Nuestro número de teléfono es El mismo: 703-281-7614 casilla #1.

El armario de ropa estará en Unity of Spartak, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. ʻEle número es El mismo. 703-679-8966.

Foaki 'i he 'Initaneti he taimi ni!
Pe, 'ave ha sieke (totongi ke SOU) ki he CHO, P.O. Box 233, Vienna VA 22183.

Thanks to the teens at Hope United Methodist Church in Vienna

who participated in a fasting program and at the end, donated cereal, snacks, and drinks for our CHO families. About 40 church members, including Pastor Samuel Addo-Donkoh of Hope UMC and Rev. Dr. Emmanuel NkrumahPastor, Ghana Wesley UMC, Woodbridge (the parent church), came to the Food Closet and learned about our work there. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Easter season!

Many thanks to Vienna Little League baseball

for the cartons of food they collected for CHO as part of their pre-owned baseball equipment swap earlier this month. We are grateful for every box and can of food that can be used to help our neighbors. CHO wishes all players, coaches, and families in the VLL community a safe, happy, and successful 2024 baseball season!

Ngaahi fie ma'u fakavavevave ki he me'akai mo e vala




Me'akai & Tokoni fakapa'anga:

Naunau fale: