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Boshqalarga yordam berish uchun qo'mitasi

oddiy, Vena muhtoj uchun sadaqa mehribon, Oakton, Dunn Loring, va Merrifield

CHO ta'minlash orqali yordam beradi, bir butun-ixtiyoriy tashkilot, deb

  • Favqulodda moliyaviy yordam
  • Favqulodda oziq-ovqat yordami
  • kiyim
  • mebel
  • Meals o'n Wheels
  • tashish

Menyu satrida ishoratlar Ushbu xizmatlarning har bir ta'riflarga sizni, shuningdek, bizning tashkilot va haqida ma'lumot uchun, eng muhim, Agar yordam berishi mumkin qanday.

CHO ko'chib o'tdi

CHO ko'chib o'tdi. Bizning yangi oziq-ovqat shkafi iyul oyida ochiladi va Vena Presviterian cherkovida bo'ladi, Park ko'chasi, 124. NE. Avtoturargohga kelganingizda bizga qo'ng'iroq qilishingiz kerak bo'ladi. Eshik Maple Avenuega qaragan va to'xtash joyida (o'qni ko'ring), emas Park ko'chasida. Bizning telefon raqamimiz bir xil: 703-281-7614 quti №1.

Kiyimlar shkafi Fairfax birligida bo'ladi, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. Raqam bir xil. 703-679-8966.

CHO ko'chib o'tdi. Bizning yangi oziq-ovqat shkafi iyul oyida ochiladi va Vena Presviterian cherkovida bo'ladi, Park ko'chasi, 124. NE. Avtoturargohga kelganingizda bizga qo'ng'iroq qilishingiz kerak bo'ladi. Eshik to'xtash joyiga olib boradigan eshikdir. (o'qni ko'ring), yo'q va Park ko'chasi. Bizning telefon raqamimiz bir xil: 703-281-7614 №1 quti.

Kiyimlar shkafi Fairfax birligida bo'ladi, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. Raqam bir xil. 703-679-8966.

Endi Online Xayriya!
yoki, chek yuborish (CHO uchun to'lanadigan) uchun CHO, P.O. Box 233, Vienna VA 22183.


Thanks to the entire OLGC Community for their tremendous support of the grocery/gift card drive for the Committee for Helping Others (TO) Christmas Store to be held this December. OLGC contributed over $6800 in cards and donations, which will be used to give families in need a little extra for groceries and gifts during the holiday season. The parents who attend the CHO Christmas Store to receive help for their families so often express such happiness (and relief) at their ability to add a bit more to their limited holiday budgets. Thanks again for making Christmas brighter for them.


Fight hunger by joining the 2024 Annual Vienna CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 6. It begins at 12:30 pm (ro'yxatga olish / ro'yxatdan o'tish 12 dan boshlanadi:15), and begins and ends at Emmaus United Church of Christ, Sharqiy Maple Avenue 900, Vena. The Walk is approximately 3 miles and takes about 1 to 1 ½ hours. A shorter route is also available. Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, ehson qilish, yoki qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun, ga boring Vena CROP ochlik yurishi.

The Vienna Walk’s proceeds support the local relief efforts of The Committee for Helping Others (TO), which provides food and emergency assistance to local residents at its facilities in Vienna and Oakton, and the international hunger relief activities of Church World Service. Yurish uchun hech qanday to'lov yo'q, ammo sayr qiluvchilar xayriya qilishga yoki ularning sa'y-harakatlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun xayriya qiladigan homiylarni topishga da'vat etiladi. Siz hatto o'z jamoangizni shakllantirishingiz mumkin!

Peg Boag, longtime CHO volunteer, dies at 94

A CHO stalwart, Margaret Boag, or “Peg,” passed away on August 18, in Knoxville Tennessee, at age 94. A longtime member of Vienna Presbyterian Church, Peg spent over 40 years helping our neighbors in Vienna and the surrounding areas. Her first volunteer job with CHO was scheduling transportation for people needing rides to medical appointments.

Peg next served as CHO Emergency Services Coordinator, an important job she handled by herself for many years. Her early training in psychology prepared her well for this job. Peg listened to clients’ problems with compassion like your mother or good friend, and provided monetary assistance or referrals to other community resources when needed. She also gave valuable advice and assistance to new CHO volunteers and to the CHO Board, and she established a CHO fund to cover purchases of underwear (or necessary items) for the CHO Christmas store.

Peg’s husband predeceased her. She had two children, Jean and John, and moved to Knoxville Tennessee a few years ago to be closer to them.

A memorial service will be held at Vienna Presbyterian Church in the Chapel on Thursday, September 26 at 1:00 pm.

favqulodda ehtiyojlari oziq-ovqat va kiyim-kechak uchun

Virtual Stuff the Bus

This year Fairfax County is sponsoring a VIRTUAL Stuff the Bus for all of the agencies that serve the community. This is instead of the events often held at local grocery stores. Donations are online only, at this link. Just click on it, go to Committee for Helping Others, and you will be directed to the spot to make a donation.

Please consider contributing and please help spread the wordUsually, we attract a lot of "walk-in help" at the grocery stores so we will all need some extra effort publicizing this drive!

BIZNING xizmatlari haqida ma'lumot



Ovqat & moliyaviy yordam:
