العربية   Español  

Тау, мам анжаш кайыр чо. Йозак кайыр налогым и.


Лыктын колтымы ылыт дӓ ылыныт чо проверка CHO, P.O. Box 233, Vienna VA 22183.
Я, Кӹзӹт Пӧлеклем Онлайн!


Пожалуйста, пӹтӹрӓлӓт (703) 281-7614 and leave a message in box 2 for an appointment to drop off donations.


The Гардероб has very limited space to accept donations. We welcome small donations (what one person could bring from their car in a single trip) and medium donations (two trips). Large donations can only be accepted with advanced planning and when we have the capacity to handle them.

Please make an appointment to drop off large donations by texting or calling us at (703) 679-8966 , or email us at cho.clothes.closet@gmail.com.

The Гардероб has very limited space to store off-season clothing. Please hold on to your off-season clothing until the seasons change. We thank you so much for helping us to help others.


Анжен мебель странице информация о графика дӓ мебельӹм ӹштӹшӹ келеш самовывоз тип ; leave a message at 202-681-5279 пикап манын планироватлаш.