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Arropa armairutik bezeroak, mesedez ikusi orrialde hau bezero guztientzat gure jarraibideetarako.

The Clothes Closet is located at Unity of Fairfax Church, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton. The phone number is 703-679-8966 .

Arropa Armairuak ohiko zerbitzua mantentzen du Lan Egunaren ondorengo astelehenetik Memorial Day aurreko astelehenera arte. 9etatik aurrera zabalik gaude:Astelehenetan 30:00etatik 12:00etara. Hitzordua beharrezkoa da. Hitzordua hartzeko, deitu 703-679-8966 telefonora , edo email gurekin Arropa armairua ez dago irekita jai federaletan eta Fairfax konderriko ikastetxe publikoak itxita daudenean eguraldi txarra dela eta.

We have a continuing need for in-season quality used clothing. Donations are accepted every Monday that we are open. Clothing is distributed to clients on each of those Mondays. Beste batzuetan dohaintzak uzteko, mesedez, deitu 703-679-8966 telefonora edo email gurekin dutenek arropa dohaintza handi bat egiteko kontuan For, berrikusi gure dohaintza jarraibideak hemen. CHOko bezeroek behar ez dituzten dohaintzak beste ongintza-erakunde batzuetara pasatzen dira.

CHO requests the following for donations:

  • ️Clothing to be clean, in-season, and in good repair. (Please no broken zippers or soiled items.)
  • ️We accept bed linens, blankets, and towels. It is very helpful if the size of sheets and blankets are indicated (ie. king, erregina, full, and twin).
  • ️We do accept kitchen household items. Due to space limitations, we can not accept small appliances.
  • ️We accept clean, washable jackets year round and will store them for the proper season.
  • ️We accept baby items and children’s toys.