Komite untuk Membantu Orang Lain
Sederhana, mencintai amal bagi yang membutuhkan Wina, Oakton, Dunn Loring, dan Merrifield
CHO adalah organisasi semua relawan yang membantu dengan menyediakan
Link di menu bar membawa Anda ke deskripsi dari masing-masing layanan ini, serta informasi tentang organisasi kami dan, yang terpenting, pada bagaimana Anda dapat membantu.
CHO telah pindah
CHO telah pindah. Lemari Makanan baru kami akan dibuka pada bulan Juli dan akan berada di Gereja Presbiterian Wina, 124 Jalan Taman. NE. Anda perlu menghubungi kami ketika Anda tiba di tempat parkir. Pintunya menghadap Maple Avenue dan ke tempat parkir (lihat panah), bukan di Jalan Taman. Nomor telepon kami sama: 703-281-7614 kotak #1.
Lemari Pakaian akan berada di Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. Jumlahnya sama. 703-679-8966.
CHO telah pindah. Lemari Makanan baru kami akan dibuka pada bulan Juli dan akan berada di Gereja Presbiterian Wina, 124 Jalan Taman. NE. Anda perlu menghubungi kami ketika Anda tiba di tempat parkir. Pintu itulah yang menuju ke tempat parkir. (lihat panah), tidak dan Park Street. Nomor telepon kami sama: 703-281-7614 kotak #1.
Lemari pakaian akan berada di Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. Jumlahnya sama. 703-679-8966.
Donasi online Sekarang!
Atau, mengirimkan cek (dibayarkan kepada CHO) untuk CHO, P.O. Box 233, Vienna VA 22183.
Thanks to our Clothes Closet donors!
Terima kasih, too, for deliveries by Bill Grossman, who stopped by to deliver gifts from the Saint Mark Catholic Church Giving tree, and from Wendy Michael, who dropped off coats from the Antioch Christian Church drive.
Thanks to all, and Happy New Year!
2024 CHO Christmas Store!
Last Saturday, 109 families enjoyed holiday cheer at the CHO Christmas Store held at Vienna Presbyterian. An additional 14 families and 32 seniors at Tysons’ Towers will be mailed gift cards. The Store is only possible thanks to the 50 volunteers who set up the Store on Friday and the 60 volunteers who worked the Store and cleaned up. And many thanks to the churches and organizations that held toy and gift card drives, and the individuals who dropped off toys, gift cards, and donations over the past month. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Halloween parade
2024 CROP Hunger Walk
Congratulations and thanks to all who participated in the 2024 Vienna CROP Hunger Walk on a beautiful October day. The Walk raised over $17,000 for hunger relief, a portion of which will go to CHO. Special thanks to Lisa Hechtman, chief organizer of the Walk and pictured with CHO Chair Todd Hall, and to all volunteers, gereja-gereja, and teams who participated.