Wateja wa nguo za nguo, tafadhali tazama ukurasa huu kwa miongozo yetu kwa wateja wote.
The Clothes Closet is located at Unity of Fairfax Church, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton. The phone number is 703-679-8966 .
Chumba cha Nguo hudumisha saa za huduma za kawaida kuanzia Jumatatu baada ya Siku ya Wafanyakazi hadi Jumatatu kabla ya Siku ya Ukumbusho. Tuko wazi kutoka 9:Saa 30 asubuhi hadi Jumatatu. Miadi inahitajika. Ili kupanga miadi tafadhali tupigie kwa 703-679-8966 , au tutumie barua pepe kwa Chumbani ya nguo haijafunguliwa kwa likizo ya shirikisho na wakati Shule za Umma za Kaunti ya Fairfax zimefungwa kwa sababu ya hali mbaya ya hewa.
We have a continuing need for in-season quality used clothing. Donations are accepted every Monday that we are open. Clothing is distributed to clients on each of those Mondays. Kuacha michango wakati mwingine, tafadhali tupigie kwa 703-679-8966 au tutumie barua pepe kwa Kwa wale kuzingatia maamuzi kubwa nguo mchango, tafadhali kagua miongozo yetu ya mchango hapa. Michango ambayo haihitajiki na wateja wa CHO inapitishwa kwa mashirika mengine ya kutoa misaada.
CHO requests the following for donations:
- ️Clothing to be clean, in-season, and in good repair. (Please no broken zippers or soiled items.)
- ️We accept bed linens, blankets, and towels. It is very helpful if the size of sheets and blankets are indicated (ie. king, malkia, full, and twin).
- ️We do accept kitchen household items. Due to space limitations, we can not accept small appliances.
- ️We accept clean, washable jackets year round and will store them for the proper season.
- ️We accept baby items and children’s toys.