阿拉伯語   西班牙語  


簡單, 愛心慈善維也納的貧困, 奧克頓, 鄧恩勞恩, 和Merrifield


  • 緊急財政援助
  • 緊急糧食援助
  • 服裝
  • 家具
  • 送餐上門
  • 運輸

在菜單欄上的鏈接帶您到這些服務的說明, 以及對我們的組織和信息, 最重要的, 你如何能幫助.

CHO has moved

CHO has moved. Our new Food Closet will open in July and will be at the Vienna Presbyterian Church, 公園街124號. NE. You will need to call us when you arrive in the parking lot. The door is the one facing Maple Avenue and in the parking lot (see arrow), not on Park Street. Our phone number is the same: 703-281-7614 box # 1.

The Clothes Closet will be at Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., 奧克頓. The number is the same. 703-679-8966.

CHO se ha movido. Nuestro nuevo Food Closet abrirá en julio y estará en la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Viena, 公園街124號. NE. Deberá llamarnos cuando llegue al estacionamiento. La puerta es la que da al estacionamiento (ver flecha), no en Park Street. Nuestro número de teléfono es el mismo: 703-281-7614 casilla #1.

El armario de ropa estará en Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., 奧克頓. El número es el mismo. 703-679-8966.

要么, 郵寄支票 (應付CHO) 至 CHO, P.O. Box 233, Vienna VA 22183.

Thanks to all who participated in the Stuff the Bus event!

The event was held on January 18. We collected almost 770 pounds of food! Many thanks to Giant Food, Fairfax County, and the Vienna Oakton Young Men’s Service League, whose volunteers helped to collect donations, “stuff the busand unpack the bus at the Food Closet.

Thanks to our Clothes Closet donors!

The Clothes Closet recently received some deliveries that provided holiday cheer and will help so many in the New Year.
A big shout out to 5th grader Katy McCarry, whose dad dropped off 111 coats from a coat drive Katy organized at Cunningham Park Elementary School.

謝謝, too, for deliveries by Bill Grossman, who stopped by to deliver gifts from the Saint Mark Catholic Church Giving tree, and from Wendy Michael, who dropped off coats from the Antioch Christian Church drive.

Thanks to all, and Happy New Year!

2024 CHO Christmas Store!

Last Saturday, 109 families enjoyed holiday cheer at the CHO Christmas Store held at Vienna Presbyterian. An additional 14 families and 32 seniors at Tysons’ Towers will be mailed gift cards. The Store is only possible thanks to the 50 volunteers who set up the Store on Friday and the 60 volunteers who worked the Store and cleaned up. And many thanks to the churches and organizations that held toy and gift card drives, and the individuals who dropped off toys, gift cards, and donations over the past month. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

即時需求 食品和衣服


今年,費爾法克斯縣為所有為社區服務的機構贊助了虛擬公車。 這與當地雜貨店經常舉辦的活動不同。捐款僅在線上進行, 在這個連結。 只需點擊它, 去幫助他人委員會, 然後您將被引導至捐款地點.

請考慮做出貢獻並幫助傳播訊息! 通常, 我們吸引了很多 "步入式幫助" 在雜貨店,所以我們都需要一些額外的努力來宣傳這項活動!




餐飲 & 經濟支援:
