OIA   Paniola  

Te mau arata'iraa no te mau hoani i roto i te piha vairaa ahu

Te parururaa o te mau hoani atoa, taata horo'a, and volunteer is our primary responsibility. We have implemented the following guidelines to help keep everyone healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. Te mau taata o te pato'i i te pee i teie mau arata'iraa, eita ïa ratou e tavinihia.

Rave i te hoê farereiraa

  • Na te Farereiraa Ana'e i rave i te taviniraa — The easiest way to get an appointment is by texting us at 703-679-8966 . You can also email us at cho.clothes.closet@gmail.com.
  • Appointments are for One Person — Eiaha e afa'i mai i te tahi atu mau melo o te utuafare, te mau hoa e aore râ, te mau taata tupu i piha'i iho ia outou. Eita ratou e tomo i roto i te piha vairaa ahu.
  • Make consecutive appointments for anyone other than yourself— Mai te mea e, aita to outou e faura'o e e mea ti'a ia outou ia faaite i te hoê hoa e hinaaro atoa i te ahu, e mea ti'a ia orua to oe hoa ia faataa ê i ta orua farereiraa.
  • Hoê farereiraa i te utuafare tata'itahi i te ava'e hoê. E nehenehe ta matou e horo'a noa i te hoê taime i te utuafare tata'itahi hoê taime i te ava'e. I te tau titauraa rahi, e nehenehe ta tatou e horo'a pinepine i te mau farereiraa i te mau ava'e atoa.
  • Faaore i ta oe farereiraa mai te mea e taui ta oe mau opuaraa. Mai te mea e, aita oe e ite ra i ta oe farereiraa, you are preventing someone else from having that appointment and being served. Text to 703-679-8966 e aore ra te rata uira cho.clothes.closet@gmail.com.

I roto i ta oe farereiraa

Helping you get clothing for your household is our secondary responsibility. We have implemented the following guidelines to help you get the clothing you need while making sure there is something left over for the next client.

  • A parahi i te taime ti'a, each appointment is for 30 minutes. Mai te mea e tae oioi mai outou e aore râ e faaru'e oioi outou, e na ni'a ïa outou i te farereiraa a te tahi atu taata.
  • Tamau i te hoê tapo'i mata. Mai te mea e mo'ehia ia outou ia afa'i mai i te hoê tapo'i mata na muri ia outou, e horo'a'tu matou i te hoê na oe. E mea ti'a ia tamau noa i te tamau noa i te tapo'i tapo'i mata a vai ai outou i roto i te vairaa ahu.
  • Be prepared to show an ID. We need to verify you reside in our service area, and we need to verify who we are serving, so we can keep track of which households have received help for the month and which households haven’t.
  • One bag per client. We will give you a single 13-gallon drawstring bag for the clothing you select. If bulky items like winter coats are needed, we will bag those items separately for you.
  • Take only what you need. If you take more than you need, you’re taking those clothes away from some other household that needs them.
  • No more than one winter coat for each household member. During the winter season, you may have only one coat for each member of your household.